Home NewsEthereum Fidelity’s Ethereum ETF: New Way to Buy Crypto (But Will It Get Approved?)

Fidelity’s Ethereum ETF: New Way to Buy Crypto (But Will It Get Approved?)

by dave
4 minutes read

Fidelity Wants to Launch an Ethereum ETF with Staking, But There Are Hurdles

Fidelity Investments, a major investment company, filed an application with the SEC to create a new type of investment option: a spot Ethereum ETF. An ETF, or Exchange-Traded Fund, is like a basket of stocks that you can buy and sell on the stock market. This one would specifically hold Ethereum, the world’s second-biggest cryptocurrency.

What’s interesting is that Fidelity also wants to include a feature called staking in this ETF. Staking lets you earn rewards for holding Ethereum, kind of like getting interest on your money in a savings account.

Trading Ethereum Through an ETF

Fidelity’s proposed ETF would trade on a stock exchange called Cboe BZX. This means you could buy and sell shares of the ETF just like you would buy shares of a company. This could make it easier for people to invest in Ethereum without having to deal with cryptocurrency exchanges directly.

Security Concerns and Regulations

There are some challenges Fidelity needs to overcome before this ETF can become a reality. One concern is that the SEC hasn’t yet decided if Ethereum is considered a security, which is something the government regulates. This means there might be new rules that could affect the ETF in the future.

Another challenge is a law called the 1940 Investment Company Act. This law helps protect investors by making sure investment companies follow certain rules. Fidelity needs to make sure its ETF meets all these requirements.

Potential Risks for Investors

Fidelity mentioned some potential risks in its application. For example, the SEC might decide the ETF breaks the rules of the 1940 Act and shut it down. This could lead to investors losing money.

Another risk is that staking rewards might be taxed by the government, even if you don’t actually receive any cash from the ETF. This could mean you owe taxes but don’t have the money to pay them.

Unclear Rules Around Staking

There are also some uncertainties around staking itself. The SEC hasn’t said for sure whether the rewards you earn from staking are considered income. This means the tax situation for investors in the ETF could be unclear.

There’s also the question of who Fidelity will partner with for staking. The company hasn’t revealed its plans yet, but whoever they choose will be responsible for making sure the staking process runs smoothly.

Delays and Comparisons with Bitcoin ETFs

The SEC is still reviewing Fidelity’s application, and they haven’t said when they’ll make a decision. This process can take a while, and the SEC has already delayed its decision on applications from other companies who want to launch Ethereum ETFs.

For comparison, it took a much shorter time for the SEC to approve similar ETFs that track Bitcoin, the biggest cryptocurrency. This difference in timelines highlights the additional uncertainties surrounding Ethereum and staking.

Will Fidelity’s Ethereum ETF Get Approved?

It’s still too early to say for sure whether the SEC will approve Fidelity’s Ethereum ETF. The regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrency is constantly evolving, and the SEC is still figuring out how to handle these new investment options.

However, Fidelity’s application shows there’s growing interest in making it easier for people to invest in Ethereum. If the SEC approves this ETF, it could be a big step forward for cryptocurrency adoption.

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