Home NewsBitcoin Sen. Lummis’ BITCOIN Act of 2024: Empowering US States to Hold Bitcoin

Sen. Lummis’ BITCOIN Act of 2024: Empowering US States to Hold Bitcoin

by muhammed
5 minutes read

Sen. Cynthia Lummis’ Bitcoin Bill

Senator Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming has introduced a new draft bill. This bill, known as the “Boosting Innovation, Technology, and Competitiveness through Optimized Investment Nationwide Act of 2024,” or the “BITCOIN Act of 2024,” could change how the United States handles Bitcoin. The bill would let U.S. states hold Bitcoin in their reserves if they choose to participate.

Details of the BITCOIN Act of 2024

The BITCOIN Act of 2024 aims to allow the United States and individual states to hold Bitcoin as part of their reserves. Bitcoin, as a decentralized and scarce digital asset, offers unique properties that complement existing national reserves like gold and petroleum. This bill could strengthen the position of the U.S. dollar in the global financial system.

Bitcoin Purchase Program

One of the key parts of the bill is the Bitcoin Purchase Program. This program will buy up to 200,000 Bitcoins each year for five years, adding up to a total of 1 million Bitcoins. The U.S. Treasury Department will be responsible for managing this program. They will publish quarterly reports on their website so the public can see how the program is going. States can also participate in storing Bitcoin holdings as part of the reserve if they follow certain security protocols.

Support and Background of Sen. Cynthia Lummis

Sen. Cynthia Lummis has been a strong supporter of Bitcoin for years. On July 27, she announced her plan to introduce this bill. Although she does not expect the bill to become law this year, it could be considered after the elections in November.

Importance of Bitcoin in U.S. Reserves

Lummis believes that establishing a strategic Bitcoin reserve will bolster the U.S. dollar with a digital hard asset, securing the nation’s standing as a global financial leader for years to come. The United States already holds reserves in assets like gold and petroleum, so adding Bitcoin could further strengthen the national reserves.

Adjustments to Gold Certificates

The draft bill also includes changes related to gold certificates. Within six months of the bill’s enactment, Federal Reserve Banks must tender all outstanding gold certificates to the Secretary of the Treasury. Then, within 90 days of receiving the last certificate, the Secretary will issue new gold certificates that reflect the fair market value of the gold held against them. This ensures that the value of gold in the reserves is accurately represented.

Crypto Industry and the 2024 Elections

Cryptocurrency is becoming a significant topic in the lead-up to the 2024 elections. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised to end what he calls an “unlawful and un-American crackdown” on the U.S. crypto industry. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign team has started asking questions about the cryptocurrency industry. This shows that both parties are paying attention to the growing importance of crypto.

How States Can Participate

States can choose to participate in the Bitcoin reserve program voluntarily. To do so, they must adhere to specific requirements, including stringent security protocols to protect the Bitcoin holdings. This gives states the flexibility to decide whether they want to include Bitcoin in their reserves, based on their own financial strategies and needs.

Impact on the Global Financial System

Including Bitcoin in the U.S. national reserves could have a significant impact on the global financial system. Bitcoin’s unique properties as a decentralized and scarce digital asset could provide additional stability and strength to the U.S. dollar. This move could position the United States as a leader in the adoption of digital assets, influencing other countries to consider similar strategies.

Sen. Cynthia Lummis’ BITCOIN Act of 2024 represents a bold step towards integrating Bitcoin into the U.S. financial system. By allowing states to hold Bitcoin in their reserves and establishing a national Bitcoin reserve, the bill aims to strengthen the U.S. dollar and secure America’s position as a global financial leader. With the growing importance of cryptocurrency in the political landscape, this bill could pave the way for significant changes in how digital assets are viewed and used in national financial strategies.

Overall, the BITCOIN Act of 2024 highlights the potential benefits of Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset and sets the stage for further discussions and developments in the integration of digital assets into national reserves. As the political and financial landscapes continue to evolve, the role of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in national and global economies will likely become even more prominent.

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